Learner-Centered Teaching – three implications

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Why do I like Learner-Centered Teaching? Mainly because it’s impact on learning is so much greater than its traditional alternatives. Both learners and teacher reap many benefits from this instruction style: time, money and pleasure oh yes and learning results.

Legal lecturers ask me what the main implications for Learner-Centered Teaching are? What would change?

The first thing legal teachers experience in using Learner-Centered Teaching is that it is not simpler than their ordinary style of teaching. No, it is more challenging. It requires creativity. It often involves tweaking traditional teaching activities. But as a result its impact on the learners’ efforts to learn increases immensely.

Second, Learner-Centered Teaching is less scripted. It requires less carefully prepared lectures or PowerPoint slides. Instead, lecturers come to class with a repertoire of material at their disposal; they have a carefully packed tool box with them. In class they know what they will need. They trust on their experience with the content.

Third, Learner-Centered teachers do not work alone. Students become their learning partners. They explore with teachers  what will help them better understand an issue, a theory or a problem.

The application of Learner-Centered Teaching is not a one-shot affair. It usually progressively integrates within an existing learning style.

There is much theory development and new research on the benefits/disadvantages of Learner-Centered Teaching. This blog will continue too report on developments.


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